9 business tips when SOURCING product from China suppliers
China is the source for 90% of the Global item. And more and more people in business are entering the sourcing industry now. Sourcing from China looks like a challenging task when you get started. In this article, I will share some tips for china sourcing based on my ten-year experience. These tips will definitely make sourcing from China easy for you. And you’ll be able to go without making any mistake. #1 where to find a supplier? 1.1 Trade fair/ exhibition Most buyers who are running the import business used to visit the trade fair to find supplier directly. It is easy to check their showroom at the fair. Moreover, you can also touch the samples to know the quality and directly take all the information regarding the supplier. You would have minimal time and limited product to see if you want to go through this method. (some fair, open only two times per year, and every supplier gets limited samples to show on the booth.) China biggest trad...